Monday, February 14, 2011


So here we are – revisiting GoAnimate.  Actually, I’m glad.  I’m planning on using GoAnimate for my final presentation . . . and so my original introductory GoAnimate doesn’t go to waste, I’m sharing here:  (just press the "ctrl" key while pointing to the link and left mouse click)
GoAnimate is a great tool to put a light-hearted spin on an introduction, to use on your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, via email and other various networking sites.  With a little imagination, it can be used I’m sure in ways it has not yet been.  My guess is that high school and grade school kids are probably having loads of fun with it.
So here’s something I didn’t know, you can become fans of other GoAnimate users.  I have one.  So which one of you is SpikeShelby?  I’ll have to see if I can find you guys.

It might be fun to use GoAnimate to invite people to a party or to announce the arrival of a bundle of joy.  With a little imagination, I'm sure it'll be used in ways never before.  With school in session, I don't have much time to get on Facebook.  However, I think I'll surprise everyone and put a GoAnimate callout on my Facebook page.  I'm going to upgrade to GoPlus tonight.  Can't wait.

Did you know  . . . By using GoPlus on GoAnimate, you can export your cartoons to YouTube for free.  Can’t you just see people proposing this way next?

1 comment:

  1. Shirley - SpikeShelby is me, Michelle. I am your follower. You can probably relate to the odd name of SpikeShelby as you have two dogs yourself. Years ago when we first got a computer, we had to set up an email account. My husband and I didn't know what to chose, and at that point we really didn't know much about computers to know if we should put our real identification so we chose our two dogs names (Spike and Shelby). This is something that has stuck with us. Our friends know us this way and it's a good rememberance as we no longer have Spike.

    I liked your GoAnimate (see Vanessa's instructions to me in the Module Three discussion area if you ever want to embed it right into your blog - her instructions helped me). GoAnimate would be a unique way to propose. It would be a proposal that you can always keep and view for many years. When one has grandkids and they ask grandma how grandpa proposed, wouldn't it be nice to show them instead of just telling them?
