Saturday, February 19, 2011

Social Media Technorati, Inc, n.d. Web. 19 Feb 2011.<>.
As we know, as students of the Social Networking and Business course, there are many forms of social media.  I had to check out Technorati simply because I liked the name.  It’s pretty cool.  You can blog and search for specific blog topics.  I did a search under the “People” link for Adam Sandler.  Various blogs came up with topics such as Adam Sandler’s transgendered housekeeper, a romantic comedy he starred in and a spot he did on David Letterman.  You can be a writer for Technorati too.  Here’s their link:  You should check them out.  As most of us know, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are huge social media sites.  These sites allow people to share ideas and to get people committed to causes, just to name a couple useful ways to use them.  Some other social media sites are Google Blog, which we are using, Digg and Newsvine.

Social media allows people to be heard.  Never before have there been so many outlets.  Some users don’t want to be heard but simply want to see what others are saying.  If you have the time, why not?  Responding to others can be fun too.  This is a great way to connect with others.  You have the ability to keep going back and can pretty much carry on a conversation without ever being face-to-face.  Some people don't care for the lack of human contact, which can be a generational issue.  However, social media sites can be valuable when used properly.  Keep in mind, employers and potential future employers can check you out without you knowing about it.  You want to represent yourself in a professional, respectful manner.  So when you are updating your accounts, take a look and remove anything offensive.  Be professional and respectful and you will never have to worry about what others see.

Did you know . . . you can download your Facebook photo albums?  Check out other Facebook features at:

 "20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know." hongkiat., n.d. Web. 19 Feb 2011. <>.

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