Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Twitter - I'm becoming a pro

Using Twitter has become easy.  Like everything, once you get your feet wet, it gets easier and easier.  Before you know it, you're a pro.  Some of my followers have useful information too offer.  I think I may add some of them to my Symbaloo.  I'll have to think about whether they are worthy.  I'm going to use Twitter to get connected with those who can offer information on my final project.  Before you know it, I'll be blogging about my topic and use who knows what other technology we have been enlightened with in my Social Networking and Business class.  Pretty cool stuff.  Peace.

While you’d think the news that the Merriam-Webster and Oxford English Dictionary adding “google” as a verb to their lexicons in 2006 would thrill the search engine, Google was actually none too pleased with the development. (http://mashable.com/2010/06/19/10-google-facts/)

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