Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?

With the help of technology, we have the ability to create our own learning network.  We are able to create our PLN on any subject.  Preferrably, it should be a subject we can use in the future, after we get our degrees.  Our PLN connect us to information.  It’s a form of connectivism, that is, we are constantly connected and are able to learn in a way that is constant.  Information is constantly changing, being updated.  Connectivism allows us to continually learn with the use of technology.  If I want to create a personal learning network based on information in the area of teamwork, then I can find, through many different sources, information on teamwork.  Due to mobile devices available today, learning can take place almost anywhere, i.e. cell phones, library computers, while staying in hotels via their business centers, or through the portability of laptops.  My PLN will be my own network of information which supports a subject or area I wish to do continual learning in.  I will be basing my PLN on the subject of effective teamwork.  By creating an effective PLN on the subject, I can subsequently do lifelong learning.  A PLN can be created to support any area.  It’s priceless.  For professional development, organizations would do well to encourage employees to create their own PLN.  An actual class on the subject to guide employees on creating their own PLN would be worthwhile.  I can confidently say that my PLN will assist with my own personal development.  A PLN can be used to learn about a hobby and to keep up to date on that hobby.  For new mothers and fathers, a PLN can provide continual information on raising children.  Information relative to the health of babies and children can be acquired, along with setting up college funds, supporting a healthy social life for children and provide fun learning activities.  PLNs can be used in many ways.  What will your PLN help you do – become a mentor, the lead in your next group project at work?  You decide.  Create a PLN that supports what you want to do.

The computer in your cell phone today is a million times cheaper and a thousand times more powerful and about a hundred times smaller (than the one computer at MIT in 1965). (http://www.labnol.org/internet/interesting-facts-about-internet/9865/)

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