Wednesday, February 2, 2011


How will I use twitter?  That’s a good question.  Since I am just learning how to use it, I’d have to say right now I’m interested in following other tweets on topics I am interested in.  I’m pretty limited in getting around on twitter.  It seems there is so much more to learn in twitter than I thought.  I guess it’s similar to blogging, but just with really short tweets.  Once I’m become accustomed to following other tweets, I think I may obtain some insightful information.  I just have to learn how to find it.  Hopefully, twitter will be a way to network.  Since I’m a student and looking for professional development, networking is extremely valuable.

Did you know?...The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.  (

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to get used to this tweeting thing too. The link you posted for your twitter won't work, mine did the same thing. There is a space in the URL that comes out as the #!/ just delete that so it reads Once I took the symbols out, I opened yours without a problem. looking forward to your tweets.
