Friday, February 4, 2011

twitter Update

Okay - so tweeting is getting easier.  The followers are just sort of rolling in now, which I had no idea they would.  I selected certain categories of topics I was interested in and others with the same interests just started showing up as followers in my email.  Imagine that!  So now I have to start thinking of some type of wisdom or something interesting to say.  That’s going to be tough!

Oh ya - I just want to mention – so we are tweeting about what we are doing so our friends can see.  This is great for my fellow classmates and our assignment.  However, I feel silly otherwise.  I don’t think I have ANY friends who have twitter accounts.  Ha!  Ha!  (Am I supposed to capitalize twitter?)  On twitter, it’s lower case.  When it’s referenced in articles, it’s upper case.  Another dilemma.  I’ll find out.

Okay – so I found out already.  Believe it or not, the AP Stylebook said to use Twitter or tweet as a verb are both okay.  Tweet is used with a lower case.  However, Twitter should be in upper case since it’s a proper noun, even if it’s used as a verb, which AP says it can be.  Now you can sleep tonight and I’ll be grammatically correct going forward.

Happy tweeting everyone!

Did you know . . . you can find out who any Twitter user’s first follower was.  Simply go to, type in their twitter username and it’ll tell you.  Mine was @HealthCareLayer.

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