Friday, April 29, 2011


E-business.  Hard to believe that it didn't exist at one time.  E-business has allowed for extraordinary growth and change in business.  Users of e-business didn't just jump right in.  They had to learn how to do business the electronic way.  For those who lagged behind and didn't follow suit, well they probably don't exist anymore.  The first use of e-business was done 30 years ago within the banking industry with electronic funds transfers.  I like the retailing aspect much more!  ;)  Check it out at

E-business companies are able to do business globally.  E-business makes things efficient.  Transactions are quicker and simpler.  Customer service is quicker and more effective.  You can shop on a website and get support with 'live chat.'

With e-business, time zones no longer matter.  Brick and mortar businesses don't have this luxury.  I'm not saying the corner store or ice cream shop needs to do e-business to sell, but they probably should to purchase competitively priced merchandise to run their businesses.  Actually, with e-business, they can enhance their sales.  Advertising on the internet is a huge benefit.  The size of the audience that can be reached compared to advertising in the local pennysaver is huge.  The network effect can have a huge impact on business.  So many people are online.  Never before has so much information been available in one place.  There are many benefits to advertising online -

E-business allows for removal of the middleman, or intermediary.  The middleman is the reason some prices are higher than we'd like.  Remove the middleman and get a better price.  (See  Having the online shopping experience personalized makes it even better.  Since I shop online a lot, I have various profiles on web pages I use on a regular basis.  When I go to those websites, I see things I may be interested in, as opposed to websites I've never been to.  We are also able to customize web pages to show our preferences.  This makes browsing more efficient.  You see only what you want to see.

When I shop online, this is a form of business-to-consumer (B2C) shopping.  However, if I'm shopping to get the best price on a flight to Florida on, this is a form of consumer-to-business (C2B) shopping.  eBay is a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-business.  Lastly, business done between two businesses is referred to as business-to-business (B2B).  All of these forms of business generate revenue.  That's what it's all about, right?  Oops, there's one more.  Business-to-government (B2G) business is e-business done between a business and the government.  The government is special you know.  Again, more revenue to be made.  Everyone would like to get their hands on one of those government contracts.

E-business is a world all its own.  It has changed the way business is done worldwide.  It has changed the economy.

Did you know . . .

First commercial spam. The first commercial spam e-mail message was sent over the Internet in April 1994 by Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel Legal Services. The spam was advertising a Green Card lottery (the couple that ran the firm were immigration lawyers) and was titled “Green Card Lottery- Final One?

Internet Technologies and Security

The internet has so much to offer.  Some of what is available has made our lives easier, i.e. paying bills online.  It has enhanced our social lives with social networking sites.  It is full of professional development opportunities such as those through LinkedIn.  I can go on and on with what the internet has to offer.  What we don't see that protects us when using all we do on the internet are the security features put in place to protect us.

One form of security comes in the form of restriction.  For instance, in the workplace, users without proper access are denied entrance.  Our banking is our own.  Access is restricted or denied to those who are unauthorized.  Unfortunately, persistent hackers get access frequently.  Identity theft is a real scare, but we can't live in fear.  Here's a recent story involving Sony:

Recovery plans are a necessity due to external threats such as natural disasters.  Places of business would do well to have sufficient virus protection in place to protect against viruses, Trojan horses and worms, just to name a few.  Security should be first rate and must constantly be updated.  In the U.S. specifically, there is a shortage of experts to protect vital information.  Please see

In a home setting, firewalls should be in place to protect your personal computer.  Firewalls are both hardware and software that watch the traffic going in and out of your computer.  We can be alerted to suspicious activity or to a suspicious website.  I use Norton Antivirus, which has not failed me yet (knock on wood!)  Do yourself a favor and don't skimp on protecting your home computer.

Did you know . . . flash drives come in many different forms such as key chains, toys AND jewelry.  Yes - jewelry.  Check it out at  Great gift ideas!

Getting More Out of the Internet

Portals are like layers of a sandwich with more and more information to enjoy.  Each layer offers something else and you can even customize portals just like you customize a sandwich.  Certain websites gear their portal content towards certain audiences.  These portals are referred to as industry portals.  An exercise based website might have portals containing information relative to personal trainers, healthy eating or athletic wear.  Check out

Examples of portals offering a variety of information are Google and MSN.  The wealth of information can be mind boggling.  RSS feeds allow for headline stores to be streamed to you directly.  My husband has a few feeds on his cell phone with up to date weather, traffic and sport information.

Website with streaming media offer video and audio to enhance your viewing/listening experience.  WIVB-TV 4 Buffalo offers video streaming media covering headlining news, weather and topics of interest.  See for yourself at

The internet is ripe with researchable information.  Some sites are geared toward specific areas, such as law.  Some contain a multitude of information, such as encyclopedias.  Whatever the topic, you can research it on the web.  Even the more mature generation is getting on board with researching online.  Example -

Who doesn't love planning a trip?  I know I do. You can even plan road trips using websites geared toward doing so.  You can plan your trip from start to finish, including places you want to check out along the way and accommodations you'll need like restaurants, hotels and gas.  Check out  

Looking for something to do?  Search the internet for goings on in your area.  Check out for things to do in Buffalo, New York.  You'll find information about restaurant, sporting events and places to shop, just to name a few.  The next time you are planning for out of town visitors, give them this website.  They'll be glad you did.

The internet has saved me so much time when it comes to paying my bills.  Long gone are the days of writing out checks, envelopes and paying for postage to pay a bill.  I do it online.  This has also eliminated the paper bills I have sent to my home.  I do my banking online too.  I can move around funds, check for canceled checks and look for products and services my financial institution offers.  I can't remember the last time I stepped foot in my bank.  For those of you who are worried about paying bills online or doing your banking online, there are security measures in place to protect you.  You'll save yourself so much time.

The internet has changed training in the workplace too.  Online training can be done at your desk, without having to go to another facility or building.  Some training is real time wherein you join in a virtual classroom.  Some is available around the clock, not in real time.  There is no reason we all can't take advantage of the professional development opportunities in our workplaces.

Shopping online has also made things really convenient.  As a full-time employee and student, I don't have time to run to the stores to do my holiday shopping.  I'd say 99% of my holiday shopping is done online.  I  buy my wrapping papers and cards at the store.  The time, energy and money I've saved is astronomical.  Just learn how to price shop and look for online coupons and you really can save a bundle in money and time.  Check this out - the U.S. actually had a record-breaking online holiday shopping season in 2010.  Go to for the numbers.  Even Santa is getting in on the online action! 

Did you know . . . there are websites to help you do comparison shopping.  Here's just one:

Email - Contacts - Collaborating

With all the people we correspond with via email, it's necessary to use the contacts feature to manage their information.  Simply go to address book to create contacts.  Once you click there, you'll find various fields you can fill in.

Many times you have to send emails to multiple people in a group.  By creating a group, also referred to as a distribution list or mailing list, you avoid entering each individual email address separately.  Simply go to the contacts folder and select "new contact group."  Simply enter the name of the group and select the contacts you want to include in the group.  Here's a helpful link to show how to use "contacts" in Gmail:

I use groups frequently at work to send emails since I set up meetings for a handful of groups.  For instance, I have a group called Nursing Advisory Council.  Every time I communicate with them, I simply type in NAC (I created an abbreviated name) into the "To" field of my email.  The field automatically populates for me and contains the email addresses for everyone within that group.  To help organization and manage your emails, create a folder for each group you create.  All emails related to that group can get filed in that folder.  Here are some tips on managing emails and saving time:

I now receive emails for groups I belong to on LinkedIn.  Social networking, collaborating and sharing information are all popular today.  For professional development, it's a good idea to look for groups who you want to connect with to learn from.  My LinkedIn groups have online dialogues over topics I am interested in.  I receive emails when new dialogues are started.  I've created a folder for my groups so they are easy to manage.  These groups are a great way to share information and to collaborate.  For help on collaborating on LinkedIn, go to:  Happy collaborating!

Did you know . . . 80% of companies use LinkedIn as a recruitment tool? (

Email - Organization

Due to the volume of emails, especially in the workplace, organizing and managing emails is vital to avoid wasted time retrieving emails when necessary.  In Windows, just go to the "Tools" option at the top of the screen.  You will get a drop down menu.  Click on "Rules and Alerts."  You will subsequently get a variety of options to create rules and alerts to help manage your emails. Happy managing!

Don't forget about deleting messages.  Most workplace email accounts have limited space.  This means you are limited as to how many emails you hang on to.  This includes emails in your inbox, drafts, junk mail, deleted and outbox.  To delete, simply click on the "delete" button to delete individual emails.  To delete multiple deleted emails, simply go into the deleted items folder, click on "Tools" at the top of the screen and then click on "Empty Deleted Items."  All items in that deleted items folder will be deleted.  To delete multiple emails in other folders, simply click on an email, hold down the "shift" key, and click on a subsequent message.  All emails from the first and last one selected will be deleted.  To select various emails without delete a range, simply hold down the "ctrl" key and click each message you want to delete.  Remember, as you delete items, they are moved to the Deleted Items Folder.  This folder should periodically be cleaned up by deleting them.

I receive a significant amount of work via emails.  Therefore, it is helpful to be able to tag the emails that I need to take action on.  To do so, simply click on the email you want to tag and click the "flag" button at the top of the screen.  Emails will show with a little red flag wherever this is done and you'll know you have to take action.  To turn the flag off, simply click on the email and then click on the flag. You can also organize your emails by color coding.  Simply click on the email you want to code and click on the "categorize" button at the top of the screen.  This also helps create more searchable emails.

From Windows mail, to Outlook, to Google mail, there are different ways to manage your emails.  Simply play with what you use and you'll make your emailing experience more fluent and efficient.  In the long run, it pays to use many of these tools.  Once you experiment, you'll figure out which tools are most helpful to you.

Want to find out about branding with your email signature, go to:  Not only is it easy to set up your signature block, you can create your own branding.  Branding is important nowadays.  To see why it's important for marketing, go to: How about using personal branding for job searches.  This is good stuff.  Please take a look at

Did you know . . . Google actually rents goats to keep weeds and brush at bay at its headquarters.  This is their green approach, which also fertilizes the land at the same time.  This is a fact.  (

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Emails - Functions

Emails are pretty easy to use.  Everything is right there.  For instance, to start an email, a "create email" or "compose email" button is available.  To reply and forward emails, "reply" and "forward" buttons are available.  To save an attachment, right clicking on the attachment offers a "save" option.  A clearly defined subject line should always be used.  This helps in identifying the nature of the email and helps when searching for emails.  Emails can be filed in folders you create.  In Google, a "more actions" button makes it easy to move them to the desired folder.  Google email has details available.  You can check the time the email was sent or received and show the full email address.

Adding attachments is easy.  Using the "add attachment" button, you get the opportunity to browse file on your computer.  You simply go to the document, photo, video or whatever item you want to attach and then double click on it.  It automatically gets attached to your email.  If you don't want to send an email right away, you can save it.  Various formatting tools are available also.

I receive many emails at work.  Sometimes it is frustrating, but it is convenient to be able to retrieve emails when I have to go back to them.  Frequently my manager asks me to retrieve certain emails.  I have become quite a pro at archiving my emails and recalling whatever it is she needs.

Did you know you can get a Google email account for free?  Simply go to

First Google Doodle
Did you know . . . the first Google doodle was used as an "out of office."  Now we enjoy the ever evolving Google doodles on the home page.  Google techies were going to be out of the office to attend a "burning man" festival in Nevada in 1998.  The first Google doodle was used to let other employees know they'd be away.  (


Emails are a quick, easy and convenient way to send and receive messages.  As with blogging, tweeting and any other social networking sites, content should be respectful.  Email in the workplace is especially sensitive.  The expectation is that email should be kept to a minimum, should be clear and should be respectful.  I for one have been at the other end of emails that are instructional in nature and unclear.  Even with spell checker availability, I receive emails that make me scratch my head.  :(

That brings me to the subject of emoticons to express emotions.  For professional purposes, I don't use them.  However, apparently it is acceptable to a degree.  They should not be over used or they will seem frivolous.  Getting back to unclear instructional emails.  It is the responsibility of the receiver to express confusion if there are instructions to be followed.  Don't guess at meaning.  Going back and forth too much becomes a waste of time.  Use good judgment and pick up the phone for clarification when needed.

Emails should never be used as a way to vent or express frustration.  If something needs to be said, keep it to the point and without frustration.  A phone call may be a better way to go.  Here's an example of why a phone call might be a better alternative:

Emails are usually quite informal.  However, if a formal letter needs to be sent, you can attach one.  Just create your letter as you normally would to send in the regular mail and attach it to the email.

In one place of business where I worked, someone sent an email to everyone without realizing it.  By the time they did, it was too late to recall it.  Things were said about a co-worker that were insulting.  If you need to vent, talk with a friend.  Don't send an email.

Here's some email etiquette to help keep it professional in the workplace: 

Did you know emails can cause stress . . .

Google Forms

Google Forms is very useful when you want to survey a group of people on any given topic.  Colleen Reedy uses Google Forms when she surveys us about our attendance at Business Residency workshops and dinners.  It is an efficient tool because responses are kept in one place.  A spreadsheet shows all responses.

I will use Google Forms at work.  I set up annual retreats and have to get meal choices from over 100 people.  Google Forms will make this task much simpler.  What I like is that the people receiving the survey don't have to be techno savvy.  They will simply receive an email and will click on their meal choice.  I will end up with a spreadsheet showing their information.

I may also use Google Forms for a social group in my neighborhood.  It's for a group of women in my neighborhood and we all take turns hosting a girl's night.  I can simply create a Google Form with information such as proposed dates and drink and food preferences.  I will end up with a spreadsheet with everyone's preferences.

Check this out.  Did you know Google keeps a history for you?  Just go to

Google Docs

I just created my second document in Google Docs.  Because I have an administrative background, typing a document in Google Docs is just as easy as if I wasn’t in the cloud.  The cloud aspect makes Google Docs valuable since real time revisions can be made by multiple people.  This is so much better than having several different versions of a document.  As an administrative assistant, I know what a headache this can be - very frustrating to say the least.  It is also a waste of time and money (in the form of my salary).

So here’s something really cool - I just accidentally closed my Google Docs document prior to saving it.  When I went back in Google Docs, there it was as an unsaved document with no work lost.  That is awesome.  Losing work this way can be very frustrating.  I recently had to redo an assignment in my Financial Accounting class as I couldn’t get my work back.  One rule of thumb I usually go by is to always save documents in the beginning.  Once in a while, I forget.  So there you have it, Google Docs rocks!

I wanted to add a photo to see how easy it is to do in Google Docs.  Here is a photo of four puppies from the litter my two Newfoundland puppies came from.  Hard to believe that were so small.  They turned one on April 7 and weigh around 135 and 125 lbs.  Aren’t they cute?

What do you know?  There is a word count feature in Google Docs also.  Very helpful if I have to know my word count for class blogs.  I just inserted a table here too.  Again, very easy and very helpful.

8 weeks
Weight 2 mos. - 6 mos.Weight 6 mos - 10 mos.Weight 10 mos - 14 mos.

I was easily able to copy my document in Google Docs to copy it into Google Blogger.  All these tools seem to be very easy to use.  Have a great day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011


LinkedIn is another site similar to Facebook, where people can connect.  However, LinkedIn is on a professional level.  LinkedIn is a great tool for making connections, information sharing, job searching, recruiting, marketing, touching base with those in your network, promoting special interests to name a few.  With a little ingenuity, LinkedIn can be a valuable tool.

While I was getting to know my way around on LinkedIn, I came across various search tools.  Users have the ability to search by “Industry,” “Fortune 1000,” “Seniority Level,” “Location,” “Company Name” among many other categories.  This is extremely useful when there is a need to narrow down a search.

As with any other internet based account, users should keep their LinkedIn account respectful.  Your information just may be viewed by potential employers or your current employer.  It is never a good idea to make negative statements about co-workers, bosses or anyone for that matter.

I just joined a group on LinkedIn.  There was an online discussion with members within this group and I saw comments made by a nurse from my place of employment who is heavily involved in an endeavor we are working on in the workplace.  By using this discussion tool, this nurse has been able to obtain valuable information and resources for this work endeavor.  This is a great example of information sharing.  How great!  Any one of us is able to join in on a discussion or even start our own discussion.  Are you looking for resources on a particular subject?  Start a discussion.  This is a fantastic way to connect with those who are experts in certain areas.

For anyone wanting to learn more about getting around in LinkedIn, there is a Learning Center available – right on the LinkedIn website.  From the home page you’ll see a “more” tab.  Click on it and the second available option is “Learning Center.”  There is a lot of useful information here.  I plan on going back and learning more about LinkedIn.  I will definitely be using LinkedIn to develop professionally.  I look forward to starting my own discussion.

Enjoy getting linked in!

Did you know . . . (Social Media Revolution from YouTube)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mobile Devices in Business

Mobile technology is basically portable technology and allows business to be conducted on the run.  When this type of business is conducted, users of mobile devices and the business they work for need to be aware of available security to protect information should a mobile device be misplaced.  Some mobile devices may come in the form of phones, laptops, iPads, laptops and netbooks.  Even GPS devices are a form of mobile technology.  So the big advantage here is being able to conduct business on the run.  Disadvantages are loss of down time – balance, and the increased risk of loss of sensitive information due to loss of the mobile device.  (
Mobile devices, such as laptops, also allow for a meeting with employees at different locations.  No more having to be in a specific place at a specific time to partake in a meeting.  Web cams allow for “face to face” interaction.  The downside to this is many feel, especially without the web cam capabilities, something is lost when everyone isn’t present in a meeting room.

Various ways to use mobile devices in business, which you may not have thought about are:
  • For repair jobs – a person who does repairs can send a photo of a broken part in order to find out if it is in stock or has to be ordered.  Usually this is done with an item number, but numbers aren’t always readily available for a part already installed into machinery;
  • For various services such as an arborist caring for trees, body work on a car, landscaping – photos can be taken before and after; also a procedure can be captured and more easily explained to the customer showing what had to be done; (GoAnimate:
  • Tracking packages;        
  • Revising documents;
  • Sending of documents – even with digital signatures;
  • In marketing, more product detail can be provided; marketing brochures can be sent directly to the customer;
  • As opposed to carrying catalogs, accessing of product information on mobile devices;
  • Maintain inventory;
  • Presentations can be done on mobile devices – depending on the size of the group, projectors may be needed;
My son has an iPhone.  He showed me an app I thought was pretty neat.  He scanned the UPC bar code on an item and was provided with the best price and where to buy it in the area.  It’s not too practical for a large shopping trip; after all, who wants to run around from store to store and spend more money in gas.  However, it is useful if you want to do a little research to find out who has the best prices in town.

Here’s something I’ve found to be very useful for myself at work.  I’ve used my camera phone to email photos of an item to a vendor when I needed the item recreated at a cheaper price than what I was getting it for.  Or I’d find an item with one vendor and was able to check with the company we deal with to see if they could make it for a cheaper price.  I simply get a photo of the item off the internet and email it to our vendor.  Our vendor is familiar if it is legal to reproduce it.  It has saved us money – fantastic!

Did you know. . . this time you're going to have to check it out yourself.  It's the first video that lists:

Saturday, February 19, 2011


"Online Library." Empire State College. Empire State College, n.d. Web. 19 Feb 2011. <>.
Luckily we are able to do research on the Internet in today’s age.  We all remember – well many remember and some have heard – when we did research at the library using actual books.  Yes – books.  Today we are lucky in that we can use reputable sites to access credible information.  Our online library via the ESC site is fantastic.  Here’s the link:   We are no longer limited by library hours of operation.

LexisNexis. LexisNexis, n.d. Web. 19 Feb 2011. <>.
Other useful sites are LexisNexis, FindLaw and IngentaConnect, just to name a few.  Many of the sites require a membership or individual fees to obtain desired information.  Some allow you access to minimal information and then require a fee for further information.  Here’s the LexisNexis site:  When I worked at a law firm, this site was used heavily for research.  I’ve used FindLaw to get answers to legal questions outside of work.  It’s very useful and is loaded with valuable information.  Here’s their site:

Always remember when performing research, make sure the sites you are using are credible and not one-sided on issues.  Using sites that are neutral will provide more valuable, useful information.  When researching the backgrounds of politicians, you won’t want to go to a specific politician’s website to obtain unbiased information.  Issues of one-sidedness don’t always exist.  If you are simply researching the history of the bicycle, you simply should make sure you are using credible sources.

Did you know . . . the Daily Show actually gets its news from LexisNexis>?  Who would have thought.
Twitter. Twitter, n.d. Web. 19 Feb 2011. <>.