Friday, April 29, 2011


E-business.  Hard to believe that it didn't exist at one time.  E-business has allowed for extraordinary growth and change in business.  Users of e-business didn't just jump right in.  They had to learn how to do business the electronic way.  For those who lagged behind and didn't follow suit, well they probably don't exist anymore.  The first use of e-business was done 30 years ago within the banking industry with electronic funds transfers.  I like the retailing aspect much more!  ;)  Check it out at

E-business companies are able to do business globally.  E-business makes things efficient.  Transactions are quicker and simpler.  Customer service is quicker and more effective.  You can shop on a website and get support with 'live chat.'

With e-business, time zones no longer matter.  Brick and mortar businesses don't have this luxury.  I'm not saying the corner store or ice cream shop needs to do e-business to sell, but they probably should to purchase competitively priced merchandise to run their businesses.  Actually, with e-business, they can enhance their sales.  Advertising on the internet is a huge benefit.  The size of the audience that can be reached compared to advertising in the local pennysaver is huge.  The network effect can have a huge impact on business.  So many people are online.  Never before has so much information been available in one place.  There are many benefits to advertising online -

E-business allows for removal of the middleman, or intermediary.  The middleman is the reason some prices are higher than we'd like.  Remove the middleman and get a better price.  (See  Having the online shopping experience personalized makes it even better.  Since I shop online a lot, I have various profiles on web pages I use on a regular basis.  When I go to those websites, I see things I may be interested in, as opposed to websites I've never been to.  We are also able to customize web pages to show our preferences.  This makes browsing more efficient.  You see only what you want to see.

When I shop online, this is a form of business-to-consumer (B2C) shopping.  However, if I'm shopping to get the best price on a flight to Florida on, this is a form of consumer-to-business (C2B) shopping.  eBay is a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-business.  Lastly, business done between two businesses is referred to as business-to-business (B2B).  All of these forms of business generate revenue.  That's what it's all about, right?  Oops, there's one more.  Business-to-government (B2G) business is e-business done between a business and the government.  The government is special you know.  Again, more revenue to be made.  Everyone would like to get their hands on one of those government contracts.

E-business is a world all its own.  It has changed the way business is done worldwide.  It has changed the economy.

Did you know . . .

First commercial spam. The first commercial spam e-mail message was sent over the Internet in April 1994 by Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel Legal Services. The spam was advertising a Green Card lottery (the couple that ran the firm were immigration lawyers) and was titled “Green Card Lottery- Final One?

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