Friday, April 29, 2011

Internet Technologies and Security

The internet has so much to offer.  Some of what is available has made our lives easier, i.e. paying bills online.  It has enhanced our social lives with social networking sites.  It is full of professional development opportunities such as those through LinkedIn.  I can go on and on with what the internet has to offer.  What we don't see that protects us when using all we do on the internet are the security features put in place to protect us.

One form of security comes in the form of restriction.  For instance, in the workplace, users without proper access are denied entrance.  Our banking is our own.  Access is restricted or denied to those who are unauthorized.  Unfortunately, persistent hackers get access frequently.  Identity theft is a real scare, but we can't live in fear.  Here's a recent story involving Sony:

Recovery plans are a necessity due to external threats such as natural disasters.  Places of business would do well to have sufficient virus protection in place to protect against viruses, Trojan horses and worms, just to name a few.  Security should be first rate and must constantly be updated.  In the U.S. specifically, there is a shortage of experts to protect vital information.  Please see

In a home setting, firewalls should be in place to protect your personal computer.  Firewalls are both hardware and software that watch the traffic going in and out of your computer.  We can be alerted to suspicious activity or to a suspicious website.  I use Norton Antivirus, which has not failed me yet (knock on wood!)  Do yourself a favor and don't skimp on protecting your home computer.

Did you know . . . flash drives come in many different forms such as key chains, toys AND jewelry.  Yes - jewelry.  Check it out at  Great gift ideas!

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