Thursday, April 28, 2011


Emails are a quick, easy and convenient way to send and receive messages.  As with blogging, tweeting and any other social networking sites, content should be respectful.  Email in the workplace is especially sensitive.  The expectation is that email should be kept to a minimum, should be clear and should be respectful.  I for one have been at the other end of emails that are instructional in nature and unclear.  Even with spell checker availability, I receive emails that make me scratch my head.  :(

That brings me to the subject of emoticons to express emotions.  For professional purposes, I don't use them.  However, apparently it is acceptable to a degree.  They should not be over used or they will seem frivolous.  Getting back to unclear instructional emails.  It is the responsibility of the receiver to express confusion if there are instructions to be followed.  Don't guess at meaning.  Going back and forth too much becomes a waste of time.  Use good judgment and pick up the phone for clarification when needed.

Emails should never be used as a way to vent or express frustration.  If something needs to be said, keep it to the point and without frustration.  A phone call may be a better way to go.  Here's an example of why a phone call might be a better alternative:

Emails are usually quite informal.  However, if a formal letter needs to be sent, you can attach one.  Just create your letter as you normally would to send in the regular mail and attach it to the email.

In one place of business where I worked, someone sent an email to everyone without realizing it.  By the time they did, it was too late to recall it.  Things were said about a co-worker that were insulting.  If you need to vent, talk with a friend.  Don't send an email.

Here's some email etiquette to help keep it professional in the workplace: 

Did you know emails can cause stress . . .

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